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A relative to all… September 10, 2008

Posted by theoryw in Uncategorized.

At the heart of the work we do is the Theory W model – a theory of transformation that suggests that the journey of transformation is a process from a ‘ego-self’ driven paradigm that leaves us in a state of separation to paradigm of wholeness in which we suddenly become aware of the intricate connectivity between all things. Everything is connected. We can see this through a million different examples – from philosophy to science to psychology to spirituality to sociology – each discipline has its understanding of this one truth – that all belong, that all is connected, that ‘none are exiles in the human family’ (as Tutu would say), that each of the parts is actually a reflection of the whole, that everything is actually energy operating at different speeds of light (held together in the ‘energy or quantum soup’ – as Chopra calls it). We are one human family and what we do to one part of it effects every part of it. (who the people of the USA vote for as President is more than simply the next American President!). That is why I like the words of the famous and deeply visionary Indian shaman, Black Elk, when he said in the mid 1800’s – ‘oh four winds of the world, make me walk this earth as a relative to all.’ What a remarkable vision of the paradigm of wholeness, of inter-connectivity – to see oneself as a relative to all things. How this would change the nature of the world! Imagine if the President of the USA would really understand himself to be ‘the relative’ – the brother – of the Al Qaeda freedom fighter. Imagine what it be like if we really saw in the impoverished and hungry person at our door, not simply a poor and hungry person, but a long lost brother or sister, or missing child or family member. Idealistic, impossible? Of course – but that is the radical nature of truth – it is challenging and confronting. It may not be that we get it right – it may not be that we are able to relate to every person as a brother and sister – it is simply impossible – but simply facing squarely up to the challenge opens us to creating new possibilities, new ways of being, of living, of voting, of talking with others, of deciding what to do with our surplusses, of deciding to live more simply so that, as they say, others may simply live. To be a relative to all – even if it is only a prayer – a wild intention thrown to the wind in a moment of desperation – even if it is only this – who knows where it may lead us – who knows how the prayer may be answered – what may occur as a result of our uttering of that intention. Remember, everything is connected. The prayer Black Elk uttered years ago, may be fulfilled in us!



1. Ego Self | Open_Secrets - September 16, 2008

[…] The ego self is what most refer to when they say – me, I, me self, you, her, him, and etc. The ego self is the sense of self that most people have any awareness of. […]

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